ACOL Readers

A Few Endorsements

A Course of Love has been highly commended by readers who experienced a profound transformation in their lives.

I have been a full-time A Course In Miracles teacher/facilitator/student for over 33 years and a teacher/student of A Course of Love for over 7 years. ACIM concludes by saying, “This course is a beginning, not an end.” In my opinion, A Course of Love is the natural next step. ACOL is MIND BLOWING and totally illuminating. It takes you to the next level of awakening. I highly, highly recommend it.

Earl Purdy, New Thought Teacher/Lecturer & Coach, Unity, Denver

A Course of Love is a book for open-hearted and willing adventurers, lovers and risk-takers. It is an invitation to abandon all you think you know, and to live into a constant coming to know, co-creating the new right here, right now. It’s time. Trust yourself. Hold on to nothing. Expect everything. You won’t be disappointed.

Christina Strutt, Founder, CoCreating Clarity

Trauma patients are fearful and hurting when they come into my ER. They need compassion, the right medicines, and warm blankets for comfort. In a similar manner, Jesus’s A Course of Love, received by Mari Perron, provides deep compassion, love, and support that will guide you through the journey of your life back into the heart of God.

Rodney Chelberg, MD, Bangor, ME

A Course of Love is Jesus’s next step after we conclude A Course in Miracles. What do we do after we relinquish the ego? The answer, revealed in A Course of Love, is to be the Self fully, to sustain that being, and ultimately to embody the gift of Christ-consciousness. Then and only then do we move into eternity, where we find a universe of love to enjoy and a universe of love to create.

Celia Hales, author of “Miracles Each Day” blog; 30+ year ACIM student

A Course of Love is a profound read. It is to the heart what A Course in Miracles is to the mind. I recommend it highly to any serious Course student.

Rev. Kevin Rice, Unity Guest Speaker; President and CEO, The Academy of Spiritual Awakening

Having taught and studied A Course in Miracles for decades, I was, at first, skeptical of A Course of Love. An internal voice urged me forward, however, and words cannot express my gratitude for the miracles I have witnessed and experienced as a result of working with A Course of Love. The un-doing process it facilitates is gentle and loving, yet the results are undeniable. Every single student in my classes has experienced unprecedented shifts in consciousness and life-changing heart openings. A Course of Love is a sweet springboard to freedom.

Laurel Elstrom, ACIM and ACOL Teacher of 30 years; Life Coach; Author of Love on the Mountain

A Course In Miracles inoculated me forever against falsehood. Then A Course of Love appeared and set my heart dancing, reminding me that Love’s bag of tricks is never-ending.

Michael Mark, author, poet & blogger,

This is the most transformative book I’ve ever encountered! It is truly a gift. . . You will be transformed if you read it and take it in!

Kathryn Twinfeathers, Native American flute player, Interfaith Minister

A Course of Love is the response to our desire for a dialogue with the heart. It is essential for our return to love. Allow it to embrace and transform you, as I have. Receive this course now, as time is of the essence.

Akilah t’Zuberi, PhD, advocate for a new earth consciousness; author of The You Scriptures

I am one of the founding members of Course in Miracles Society [CIMS]. . . and have been a Course student since 1983. For me, A Course of Love: Combined Volume is a GIFT from the Right Mind that we all share, given to everyONE of us who opens their Heart to its message. It is not for everyone, however, since it requires a degree of relinquishment, much like A Course in Miracles. It requires that you come from the “not-knowing” place, releasing all prior thoughts and concepts, and begin with an empty slate.

Rev Reja Joy Green, co-founder of Course in Miracles Society (CIMS)

I have read through A Course of Love and The Treatises and am deeply moved as I am finding and rediscovering my “heart” and letting go of so much grief, sadness and unhappiness. How I love them. They are not simply books, they are a new way of life, a new me, a new world.

Miri Palmer, Emotion Code and Body Code practictioner; founder of Transform Your Life