About Us & How to Contact Us
Mari is dedicated to being “a companion” for those wishing to escape the insanity of the ego’s separation. Although she is by nature a private person with a mystical, reclusive bent, she occasionally reaches out through public presentations and private connections. The Center for A Course of Love, the non-profit holder of the copyright to ACOL, is dedicated to enhancing the experience of union and holy relationship. Its website, www.centerforacourseoflove.org, presents wholehearted sharing from reader/receivers of ACOL, including video dialogue. The Center also hosts Discover ACOL, a suite of powerful tools including a concordance and a search engine that allows you to locate specific text of your choice as it may appear within ACOL. Gifts are gratefully accepted for the support of this work.
- Please use this form if you need to contact me.
- Mail: P.O. Box 18744, St. Paul, MN 55118-0744
Take Heart Publications is the non-profit publisher of A Course of Love in English and oversees the expansion of the umbrella “A Course of Love Global Family” as ACOL is translated and published in other languages. Take Heart was organized following Mari’s request to Glenn Hovemann that he publish ACOL, which Mari had been self-publishing as three separate volumes. Translation and publication overseas is a long-term effort to extend ACOL to all major languages in the world, several of which are under way. Gifts are gratefully accepted for the support of this work.
- If you need to contact me, write to:
- Mail: 13315 Buttermilk Bend, North San Juan, California 95960
Please go here for copyright permission requests.