by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Aug 24, 2023 | The Embrace
We can all have a direct relationship with God. We each have an experience of the Divine in our human relationships. Jesus always claimed this for Himself and we can do the same. And the goal of having direct relationship with God is clearly revealed in A Course of Love, Choose Only Love and A Course in Christ.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Jul 23, 2023 | The Embrace
Dear readers of The Embrace, even though I’ve been publishing this little newsletter for almost eight years, this is the very first time I’ve written for it. Not because I’m shy or have nothing to say. But because it’s intended to be a way for YOU, our spiritually-alive readers, to share your inspiration arising from A Course of Love (ACOL) or Choose Only Love (CHOL).
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Jun 21, 2023 | The Embrace
By all accounts from many witnesses, by the end of his earthly life Bill had become playful, participating, flexible, light, joyous, and free—aware of his true identity. Many people had served him throughout his life as he owned his shadow side, and ownership allowed his fears to fade away.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | May 23, 2023 | The Embrace
The other morning, as I was on our roof deck doing my morning journaling, I noticed a pair of birds land in one of the planter boxes where we grow vegetables. While I watched the leaves of the bok choi and Swiss chard tremble as the birds made their way among them, I wondered what they were up to.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Apr 20, 2023 | The Embrace
While in prayer one day I felt an immense “greed” for knowledge of God, which impelled me to read and instruct myself in many things from Heaven. Then my sweet Jesus made himself present in all his beauty and goodness. During his visit, he told me what I share below.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Mar 16, 2023 | The Embrace
The apparent chaos, suffering, and confusion all across the world at present is very unsettling! Therefore, remember that everyone incarnate now is in human form by choice in order to participate in the collective awakening process… There is NO ONE who is NOT assisting in this process!
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Feb 16, 2023 | The Embrace
I was born blind into a family that did not want a blind child, and I was much abused. As I was blind, all my memories were recorded in full body representation. Over the years I have healed many events. Still, you cannot heal what is still deeply buried.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Jan 17, 2023 | The Embrace
I was in the company of a six-year-old recently who finished a fanciful story at a family dinner by stating, “That happened when I was never years old.” It was such an offhand but beautiful comment about aging, and in spiritual terms, about the absence of time and death.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Dec 21, 2022 | The Embrace
When we landed in Brazil in March, 2020, we would never have imagined that two years later we would be part of a team organizing their first national gathering of ACOL readers. After all, we were living in Mongolia, just visiting Brazil for one month. Second, ACOL had not yet been translated into Portuguese.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Nov 10, 2022 | The Embrace
The year was 1993. Strolling through San Francisco in a buoyant mood, I had been lifted by the success of a juicy musical performance I had just given. Since my latest self-love stretch was learning to be more generous with myself financially, I decided to have dinner at a nice Japanese restaurant.