Mari on Facebook
Mari Perron writes frequent posts—usually once a week—on an ACOL Facebook page. Inspiring quotes and notices of events are also posted. You are invited to go to A Course of Love Facebook Page
In addition, Mari participates in the active ACOL Dialogue Group (formerly ACOL USA Group). This Facebook Group is a “closed group” that provides for intimate sharing. Those who ask to join are offered a place to explore their experience of A Course of Love:
“Each of us can do so by being true to our hearts (our Selves), expressing what we feel, and sharing what has moved us, and moved within us, from our encounter with A Course of Love. Here, we join in dialogue with others who are living into the message of A Course of Love. We welcome you to join the ACOL community as we “share who we are to be who we are.”
“You can only relearn who you are by being who you are. You can only be who you are by sharing who you are.” C:31.17