by Mari Perron | Feb 28, 2016 | A Course of Love
Help is here. Be what you have been called to be. Open your dwelling place to your true Self, your true identity. Imagine this opening and this replacement occurring with every fiber of your being. Imagine the separate self being enfolded, embraced, and finally...
by Mari Perron | Feb 21, 2016 | A Course of Love
The embrace has returned you to attunement with the heartbeat, the music of the dance. You have not known what you do or what to do only because of fear, only because you have been out of accord with the one heartbeat. The world, the universe, is your partner—and only...
by Mari Perron | Nov 22, 2015 | A Course of Love
You can respond to love with love. D:7.10 I so wish I had been walking each morning of this lovely long fall. I walked today. It was just about 7:00, I suppose, that I went around the horn. It was almost light, but not quite, the sky sitting close, keeping her eye on...
by Mari Perron | Nov 2, 2015 | A Course of Love
Bring your voice to this continuing dialogue. This is all that is asked of you. This is the gift you have been given and the gift you bring the world: your own voice, the voice of Who You Are. A.49 It’s Sunday night. Way too late to start a post. I had one...
by Mari Perron | Oct 11, 2015 | A Course of Love
Such is the world that God did create: A world so lovely and so peaceful that when you see it once again you will cry with joy and forget your sadness in an instant. There will be no long remembering of regrets, no feeling badly for all the years in which you saw this...