A Portal to Wholehearted Living

By Elliott Robertson

A few years ago I began a practice of communicating with my heart. I open my notebook to a fresh page and ask my heart an open-ended question, inviting my heart to give counsel. I may write something like, “My dear heart, what do you have to share with me today?  What would you have me know?”

Then I listen and write down whatever my heart shares with me.

(Ah, I left out one step. Before beginning the conversation with a question, I take half a minute to prepare the way by settling my mind. To do this, I write a sentence or two about any thoughts or distractions that may be present. “What a wonderful dinner party at my friend’s house last night,” or “I wish my brother wouldn’t worry about me so much.”) 

My heart sometimes surprises me with wisdom I might not have thought of “on my own.” And I suspect it always gives me the insights for which I’m ripe.

I hold as sacred my heart’s letters to me, so I will not share any of them here.  I can, however, share a poem inspired by the words of my heart.

What took me by surprise

when I listened to my heart

was the simple fact that only Truth is true.

Scripts, make up, costumes, props:

these things deluded me

until I heard my heart say,

“You are gold – not rags, not dust,

not thorns contorted by the wind.”

What took me by surprise

was the reign of Truth within my heart –

unstoppable – beyond all names and measures.

Once I felt my heart embrace the valleys,

hills, flowers, and trees,

the water, deserts, day and night,

I saw the deepest hidden Self,

dancing, gladly dancing –

celebrating holy peace and light.

I share this practice with you, my fellow Embrace Newsletter readers, because it is synergistic with dialoguing with Jesus and the cosmos. We are reminded in the Course that “. . . the thoughts that arise from unity are not the same as the thoughts that arise from the thought system of the separated self.” D:12.9

This practice – asking the heart to share something in an open-ended way and then listening and recording the heart’s voice – opens the door from “thinking” to “thoughts,” to use a distinction made in the same chapter.

The video Laurel Elstrom created for the Helpful Resources page of the ACOL website, https://acourseoflove.org/helpful-resources/, reminds us of the opportunity we are given each day to move beyond the mental world and to embody the principles from A Course in Miracles and A Course of Love. You are invited to add this practice to your repertoire, or to try it on for size if you wish.

Elliott Robertson lives in Philadelphia, PA. His most recent book of poems, Taken By Surprise, is available from the Kindle Store at Amazon. Searching the Kindle Store under the author’s name works best.


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Buddha at the Gas Pump – Batgap.com

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Un Cours d’Amour

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Thank You Very Much

By Michael Mark

The simplest awareness is like this: an ocean.

And then:


Rhythm, or Wind.

Light, translucence, and the empty sky.

You and I, arising.

This is all that has ever been.

Hidden from view, a moon is cracked open—

its yolk plopped into the ferment.

Illusion is


of the sensation

that something Happened,

and it stuck,

and now we need to find out what It was.

It is the locally embodied





that a real ocean

is based on reasons.

Might I suggest you give up thinking

you might just be

the kind of person who knows one?

Only ghosts traffic in supposition and conjectures.

The simplest awareness is like this:

a cup of tea.

And then:

we breathe one another in and out

like every breed of sky,

mutually dissolved—

each the other’s psychedelic—

and it is so blankety-blank blankin’ Good

we’ll be doing this forever

thank you very much

with your reasons.

Michael Mark writes in his blog, Embracing Forever: Explorations in Authenticity.