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Ever since ACOL appeared to him quite miraculously during Holy Week, 2016, Sebastian Blaksley has known his calling: to spread this Truth throughout Latin America. Sebastian has dedicated himself also to assisting in the publication and distribution of Un Curs de Amor, which is expected to occur in mid-2017. He has created a nonprofit foundation in Argentina, Fundación Un Curso de Amor, and the website He welcomes contact at

The story of his miracle was presented (in English) in  the ACOL newsletter The Embrace, entitled Miracles in Buenos Aires.

For further information please visit, where Sebastian introduces himself as follows:

Desde siempre, Dios ha sido y es todo en mi vida. Mi camino espiritual había transcurrido hasta ahora en soledad e intimidad con Jesús y María, desde una auténtica devoción como católico apostólico y romano.

Al venir a mí Un Curso de Amor, en la Semana Santa de 2016, a mis 48 años, mientras estaba en oración frente al Sagrario en la capilla cerca de mi casa en Buenos Aires, sentí por Read More

primera vez el deseo de compartir lo que ha sido visto y oído, aunque mi mente no sepa qué hacer con lo que se vio y oyó. Es un deseo que se experimenta como una alegría y un anhelo profundo de compartir lo recibido porque de alguna manera, que no se puede explicar, uno experimenta el haber encontrado el sentido de su vida y que ese es Dios. Y experimenta esto ya no con el intelecto sino con el corazón. Es decir, uno siente con todo su ser que es el Hijo bien amado de Dios y al saberse eternamente amado con amor perfecto, entonces es inmensamente feliz y es esa felicidad la que pide ser compartida de corazón a corazón.

La “Fundación Un Curso de Amor” es la expresión viva de ese deseo por amor a Dios y a toda la humanidad, sedienta de amor y verdad.

En français

Un Cours d’Amour is now published in French and available through Le Dauphin Blanc of Quebec. A book club discussion group through Facebook is available.

Hélène Caron, the translator, presents her amazing experiences on the site as well as more information about gatherings and groups.

Helene says : A Course of Love is so intense and transformational, just the fact of being in the presence of the invisible author, who is nevertheless so present, made a real difference in my life during the many months it took to translate. I just had one single idea in mind, and one single call in my heart: “Share it, share this course, translate it now!” My experience since the publishing of the book is a deeper comprehension of A Course in Miracles, a course I studied for 10 years. Many people will be amazed to discover how A Course of Love complement A Course in Miracles with so many revelations—it’s almost too good to be true. But IT IS TRUE. And I see the transformation happening not only in myself, but also around me, in my world with my friends and relatives. The two words that come to me now are Transcendence and Tenderness.

Read the story behind the Translation

Read Hélène’s inspiring Introduction to Un Cours d’Amour