by Mari Perron | Sep 20, 2015 | A Course of Love
If you can’t remove yourself from life, what choice have you but to join with it? Love it. Love yourself. Love yourself enough to accept yourself. Love will transform normal, ordinary, life into extraordinary life. Loving exactly who you are and where you are in...
by Mari Perron | Jul 19, 2015 | A Course of Love
This time of concentration on the self is unheralded in history. It is what has been needed. Be grateful to all of the forerunners of the new who have been courageous enough to call you to examine yourself. Be grateful to yourself that you have had the courage to...
by Mari Perron | Jun 22, 2015 | A Course of Love
You are the ushers, the pioneers of the new. The electricity isn’t working in the cabin this morning. I check the fuse box down in the basement, but nothing’s blown, and so without a sure quick fix, I figure I can run in and out for coffee and not investigate...