What is in your heart can be retained

Your return to union is your return to love and it is accessed at the center or heart of your Self. Your mind was in need of silencing in order for you to hear the wisdom of your heart and begin your return. Now, in order to complete your return, mind and heart must...


 [I]f you have been religious, abandon not your churches, for you will find within them now, direct experiences of sharing. If you have found guidance and comfort in the written word, abandon not the written word, for the written word will now elicit direct...


Cabin Sunday, February 22, 2015 Finally reading Joyce Carol Oates again. She speaks of the euphoria of work. This is why I read her. Because she speaks of the euphoria of the writing life (and at times of what keeps it from being euphoric).  I’m only here as light is...

Salt and Sin and a Second Half

“God hides, and is found, precisely in the depths of everything….” Richard Rohr In the second half of life, we leave behind the self we made, for the Self God made, the original self. We move out of the shallows and into the depths. We leave the old familiars and...