Engagement and its ebb and flow

Creation balanced with rest is the pattern that has been taken to extremes within your world. You think of birth as creation and death as rest. You do not realize that your nature, and the nature of your life, like that of all around you, is governed by seasons...

Called to birth new life

Lay aside your want of other answers, other stories, and accept the story we share. The Bible and all holy texts can be seen clearly now as one creation story. One story of one beginning. One story with many promises made. D:Day1.28 Here in the cabin, the sky is...

Memories and dialogue and new memories

You can respond to love with love. D:7.10 I so wish I had been walking each morning of this lovely long fall. I walked today. It was just about 7:00, I suppose, that I went around the horn. It was almost light, but not quite, the sky sitting close, keeping her eye on...