by Mari Perron | Jul 6, 2017 | A Course of Love
“My refuge, my revelation,” comes to me as words strung together about which I don’t know the meaning. Suddenly a phrase is there, playing in my mind. I go to look up “refuge” and read: to provide with additional fuel. Woops. That was...
by Mari Perron | Aug 7, 2016 | A Course of Love
For ages man has thought that spiritual joy diminishes physical joy. While there is no physical joy that is limited to the physical—no joy felt by the physical form alone—the joy that comes of things physical can certainly still be experienced and expressed. This is...
by Mari Perron | Jul 18, 2016 | A Course of Love
Philosophy applies thought to mystery and that is why philosophy becomes such a muddle of words. It is difficult for you to accept that what you most need to know cannot be achieved through the same methods you have used in order to know about other things. And,...
by Mari Perron | Mar 28, 2016 | A Course of Love
You can only be who you are by sharing who you are. C:31.17 Today is Easter. It’s early evening and I sit looking out the window on greening grass (where only days ago was snow), on a backlit sky, glowing with light (that eluded the day), and on the treetops across...
by Mari Perron | Mar 6, 2016 | A Course of Love
This is not to say that you will find this Course or the end of learning to be easy. Yet it is your difficulty in giving up your attachment to learning through the application of thought and effort that creates the perception of this Course’s difficulty. Thus it is...