We are drawn out of ourselves by love

[Y]our heart is the well of spirit from which true answers are drawn. Your heart is a full well, a wellspring from which you can continually draw with no danger of ever drawing an empty bucket. You need never thirst again when you have accepted this. D:11.10 I was...

Turn around and say good morning to the night

Here in Minnesota, I often look out in the late afternoon and see that the sun, held in a gloomy pre-evening sky, looks exactly like the moon. It’s a time when one could easily awaken and wonder if it is day or it is night. This is the time of the solstice. Many...

What empties space for love to fill?

  Past the ego’s guarded gate: empowering revelations   After my mom’s death in August, I was taken by surprise to realize there were things I was holding against her and myself. Things I had not forgiven. Things that came to me the day after the funeral...

The heart’s authority

The mind cannot hold open the doors of the heart and yet we turn within, turn to the mind, and show it where its openness lies, where sweetness abides, where love’s knowing is found. All the mind can do is rearrange reality and hold it still and captive and rule...