From tangled to woven

No matter where you are, no matter what concerns you still hold within your heart, no matter what questions are emanating from your mind, they will be met with a response. T4:12.5 There’s been something churning in me the last week or so. Do you know what I mean? Have...

Noise and joyous noise

We have not removed ourselves from life in any way, and yet we have reached a place of retreat, a place of safety and of rest, a place away from “normal” life and the lack of freedom you have experienced there. I am your refuge from the past, your gate of entry to the...

Here to reveal

What has happened here is that words have been put on the feelings and remembrances that you have within your minds and hearts and have been sharing in this dialogue. Dialogues, Day 20.4 It started a week ago with a book review headline: “Lethem’s ‘Lucky Alan’...


Expand your reach! In last Sunday’s post from the cabin, I said that I’d talk more this week on expression. I’m not sure what I had in mind. Was it just the desire to post some of the Course’s wonderful quotes on how essential self-expression is? Was it on the...