by Mari Perron | Aug 12, 2019 | A Course of Love
Mari Perron and Mary Love Live at Miracles in the Mountains II Invitation from Mari I hope you’ll join me and Mary Love in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, for Miracles in the Mountains II. Kathy Scott Perry puts on the best events! Those of us who were at...
by Mari Perron | Nov 23, 2018 | A Course of Love
Stop. Do something new! A year ago, almost exactly, I wrote these questions here: Will we choose a way of oneness and relationship? Of heaven and earth? Of form and spirit? Will we dare to live meaningful, true lives? Are we willing to see ourselves—as neither greater...
by Mari Perron | May 30, 2018 | A Course of Love
When I left for my trip to Philadelphia, the trees in Minnesota weren’t budded yet. They were only fringed with new growth, delicate and feather-like, too fragile to even hold color. When I returned, the change of spring had arrived. It feels like a metaphor for the...
by Mari Perron | Jan 30, 2017 | A Course of Love
This Course requires no thought and no effort. There is no prolonged study and the few specific exercises are not required. This Course has succeeded in ways you do not yet understand and have no need to understand. These words have entered your heart and...
by Mari Perron | Sep 27, 2015 | A Course of Love
You might think of yourself as a channel through which union with God is expressed and made real here and now. There is no other time. There is no “higher” self waiting to do what only you can do. There is no one else who knows what you know the way you know it or who...