We are drawn out of ourselves by love

[Y]our heart is the well of spirit from which true answers are drawn. Your heart is a full well, a wellspring from which you can continually draw with no danger of ever drawing an empty bucket. You need never thirst again when you have accepted this. D:11.10 I was...


Creation balanced with rest is the pattern that has been taken to extremes within your world. You think of birth as creation and death as rest. You do not realize that your nature, and the nature of your life, like that of all around you, is governed by seasons...

The New You

 Become the author of your own life. Live it as you feel called to live it. D:4.24 I have been reading and re-reading Thomas Merton for over a decade, but I recently found a quote from him I’d never seen, one that describes love and its affects in a way that fits me...

Beloved Companions

I don’t get the impression that Jesus is going to suddenly appear in the clouds and take over the world and thus solve all our problems. Jesus is depending on us to work out the details as we create the new world. The people beyond ego with truly open hearts are...