by Mari Perron | May 30, 2018 | A Course of Love
When I left for my trip to Philadelphia, the trees in Minnesota weren’t budded yet. They were only fringed with new growth, delicate and feather-like, too fragile to even hold color. When I returned, the change of spring had arrived. It feels like a metaphor for the...
by Mari Perron | Nov 13, 2016 | A Course of Love
Take all the images of love set apart that you have made and extend them outside love’s doors. What difference would a world of love make to those who lock their doors upon the world? How vast the reaches where their world of love could extend once love joined the...
by Mari Perron | Nov 6, 2016 | A Course of Love
Who you are is love, and all things brought to love are seen in a new light, a light that keeps what you would learn to help you remember who you are, and in that remembrance transforms the rest, leaving you with nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to keep hidden,...
by Mari Perron | Jul 24, 2016 | A Course of Love
You will never fully understand what unity means, but you will come to feel what unity means, and this I promise you. This is what we work toward in this Course, for once you have experienced the feeling of unity, you will need no understanding of it. C:13.1 (emphasis...
by Mari Perron | Jul 4, 2016 | A Course of Love
“I know everybody’s in a bad mood about the country. But the more time you spend in the hardest places, the more amazed you become. There’s some movement arising that is suspicious of consumerism but is not socialist. It’s suspicious of impersonal state systems but is...