A future yet to be created

We dwell in the reality of the One Heart, creation’s birthplace, birthplace of the new. I.11 The situation of violence throughout the world, the feelings of being powerless to change anything, of being caught in deception, make me go, “No, no. I don’t want to look at...

Testifying and honest sharing

Remember that you are tired of learning. You are tired here, after your climb. You simply want to rest and have whatever transformation is to come to you to come. If you could indeed give in to this desire fully, it would speed the transformation along quite nicely....

The New You

 Become the author of your own life. Live it as you feel called to live it. D:4.24 I have been reading and re-reading Thomas Merton for over a decade, but I recently found a quote from him I’d never seen, one that describes love and its affects in a way that fits me...

Change is the way

“Taking to the road—by which I mean letting the road take you—changed who I thought I was. The road is messy in the way that real life is messy. It leads us out of denial into reality, out of theory and into practice, out of caution and into action, out of statistics...

The making of “us”

As air carries sound, as a stream carries water, as a pregnant woman carries her child, this is how you are meant to carry what you have been given. What you have been given is meant to accompany you, propel you, and be supported by you. You are not separate from what...

Surrender and growth

There is no right or wrong within creation but there are stages of growth and change. Humankind is now passing through a tremendous stage of growth and change. Are you ready? T3:12.11 I awoke this morning with the words “surrender” and “growth” ringing within me....

Physical reality

For ages man has thought that spiritual joy diminishes physical joy. While there is no physical joy that is limited to the physical—no joy felt by the physical form alone—the joy that comes of things physical can certainly still be experienced and expressed. This is...


Such is the world that God did create: A world so lovely and so peaceful that when you see it once again you will cry with joy and forget your sadness in an instant. There will be no long remembering of regrets, no feeling badly for all the years in which you saw this...