The sensuous allure of being alone

Such is the world that God did create: A world so lovely and so peaceful that when you see it once again you will cry with joy and forget your sadness in an instant. There will be no long remembering of regrets, no feeling badly for all the years in which you saw this...

Astronauts and the creation story

I’m traveling to California tomorrow to visit with the people at Take Heart Publications who enable the sharing of A Course of Love in form and spirit. There is a spirit to ACOL that takes some getting used to. It’s an adventurous spirit. A spirit that says “the new...

A response on illusion

As the wholehearted, you have it within your ability to do what those who live their lives with a split mind could never do. You have it within your ability to mend the rift of duality, a state that was necessary for the learning of the separated self but that is no...


 [I]f you have been religious, abandon not your churches, for you will find within them now, direct experiences of sharing. If you have found guidance and comfort in the written word, abandon not the written word, for the written word will now elicit direct...