Memory and Imagination

Close your eyes and begin to see with an imagination that is beyond thought and words. C:20.2 You have no capabilities that do not serve you, because they were created to serve you. The ability to imagine is such a capability, freely and equally given to all....

The arrival present

We are writing a new first page, a new Genesis. It begins now. It begins with the rebirth of a Self of love. It begins with the birth of Christ in you and in your willingness to live in the world as the Christ-Self. (T3:14.14) You are the virgin, the pregnant,...

The visible and invisible

  We are beginning now to paint you a new picture, a picture of things unseen before but visible to your heart if not your eyes. C5.7   Waking up to fog this morning gave me a splendid feeling of anticipation. It’s been warmer—mid 40’s, and the ground...

The door is Love

A door has been reached, a threshold crossed. What your mind still would deny your heart cannot. A tiny glimmering of memory has returned to you and will not leave you to the chaos you seem to prefer. It will keep calling you to acknowledge it and let it grow. It will...