by Mari Perron | Jun 1, 2015 | The Dialogues of A Course of Love
The time of becoming is a time of letting . . . images be without reacting to them. It is a time of coming to no longer “hold” these images in your mind and heart. The Dialogues, 16.20 I come out to the cabin this morning, Sunday morning late, the sun well past...
by Mari Perron | May 25, 2015 | A Course of Love
“Who is this “I” who writes?”, Joyce Carol Oates It was Friday night when this “I” who writes began to form a blog post in my mind. It was a response to the woman (me) who has been writing the posts of the last month or so, the one who was full of exclamations...
by Mari Perron | May 17, 2015 | A Course of Love
As the wholehearted, you have it within your ability to do what those who live their lives with a split mind could never do. You have it within your ability to mend the rift of duality, a state that was necessary for the learning of the separated self but that is no...
by Mari Perron | May 9, 2015 | A Course of Love
No lessons learned without love touch your heart. No lessons that do not touch your heart will accomplish anything. C:24.4 A Course of Love returns us to the idea that love gives reason its foundation. As soon as we begin A Course of Love, we see we’re asked not to...
by Mari Perron | May 3, 2015 | A Course of Love
What hampers new beginnings of all kinds within the human experience are ideas that things cannot be different than they once were. T3:15.2 It is spring! Only one week ago, I was looking down from the airplane at the ground of my home town, seeing nothing but the drab...