by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Oct 5, 2022 | The Embrace
LYNN: Today we have a really interesting topic: seeing with the eyes of the heart, no longer looking out but looking in. Our guest is Eddie Lee from Jacksonville, Florida. Just so everyone knows, Eddie is blind. And he is going to give us a little bit of a history on what happened.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Sep 13, 2022 | The Embrace
Humanity seems to be going in two different directions. There is an impulse towards allowing a new world and a new humanity to arise in which the mind and the heart are united—a new state of consciousness. At the same time, there is a reaction towards the new that is emerging—an attempt to reassert the old order, to try to hold on to what has been.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Aug 16, 2022 | The Embrace
I’m writing this while in a playground. Where are you? Pretend with me for a moment that there are only four places you can be on Earth at any given time: a prison, a courtroom, a classroom, or a playground. The prison is where we go when we have convicted ourselves of a crime.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Jul 15, 2022 | The Embrace
A few days ago, our sweet puppy, Mazzie, stealthily slipped out our back gate while my husband, Jere, was absorbed in his music and transporting brush from our yard. Mazzie loves to chase bunnies! It’s evident she was born for this! It is her greatest passion and gives her boundless energy.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Jun 13, 2022 | The Embrace
Jesus was giving me the following information as I was typing. At times it seemed as if Jesus was talking, and at other times, me. Jesus: “Remember the hot and cold water flowing through and coming out of the same water spout.”
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | May 10, 2022 | The Embrace
Many on the spiritual path have mentioned that there are “stepping stones” along the journey. At first, I didn’t understand. Over time I realized that when I am willing, the Holy Spirit provides the exact steps needed to help me find the way home to Love, the natural state of Peace and Joy.
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Apr 7, 2022 | The Embrace
Issue No. 85 April 2022 Ukraine: An Invitation to Love By Patricia Pearce As I sit down to write this article, the war in Ukraine is in its fourth week. As we witness the horror and brutality being unleashed in that country, many of us are asking ourselves: How can we...
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Mar 13, 2022 | The Embrace
Issue No. 84 March 2022 A Hidden Key to Harmony By Elliott Robertson In these unsettled times when the world is turbulent, we need to “hold space” for one another. Unfortunately, the mind’s need to cling to its opinions about what’s best can get in the way. Stephen...
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Feb 6, 2022 | The Embrace
Issue No. 83 February 2022 My Life, Deconstructed and Reconstructed By Evalyn Sorrentino I now walk the internal road. It’s been a long journey. I tell my story not necessarily according to linear time, but along the lines of my understanding and the lines of my...
by Contributing Authors-ACOL Readers | Jan 9, 2022 | The Embrace
Love Born of Torrential Grief By MaryBeth Scalice [Note: Over 1,000 homes were destroyed just before New Year’s as a fire swept through an area in Colorado that included the home of MaryBeth’s son and family. See the before-and-after aerial photos from his...