Coming to voice

Bring your voice to this continuing dialogue. This is all that is asked of you. This is the gift you have been given and the gift you bring the world: your own voice, the voice of Who You Are.  A.49 It’s Sunday night. Way too late to start a post. I had one...

Called into being

Expressions of love are as innumerable as the stars in the universe, as bountiful as beauty, as many-faceted as the gems of the earth. I say again that sameness is not a sentence to mediocrity or uniformity. You are a unique expression of the selfsame love that exists...

Moving through

If you can’t remove yourself from life, what choice have you but to join with it? Love it. Love yourself. Love yourself enough to accept yourself. Love will transform normal, ordinary, life into extraordinary life. Loving exactly who you are and where you are in every...

The sensuous allure of being alone

Such is the world that God did create: A world so lovely and so peaceful that when you see it once again you will cry with joy and forget your sadness in an instant. There will be no long remembering of regrets, no feeling badly for all the years in which you saw this...

Astronauts and the creation story

I’m traveling to California tomorrow to visit with the people at Take Heart Publications who enable the sharing of A Course of Love in form and spirit. There is a spirit to ACOL that takes some getting used to. It’s an adventurous spirit. A spirit that says “the new...

The gift, the edge, and the embrace

You might think of yourself as a channel through which union with God is expressed and made real here and now. There is no other time. There is no “higher” self waiting to do what only you can do. There is no one else who knows what you know the way you know it or who...

Staying “in life” with sharing and story

If you can’t remove yourself from life, what choice have you but to join with it? Love it. Love yourself. Love yourself enough to accept yourself. Love will transform normal, ordinary, life into extraordinary life. Loving exactly who you are and where you are in...


How can memory so deceive the eyes, and yet fail to deceive the heart? C:8.28 Our place in the pattern of God’s creation “is not a place of physical form but a place of holiness, an integral place in the pattern that is oneness with God. It is a place you have never...